Adult Ballet & Adult Tap
Classes start
September 16th week

Send me an email to let me know you're attending
Please fill out an Adult Registration Form & Release/Waiver
at the front desk
- Use an envelope provided to include your cash payment -
(Cash or checks only, payable to MLDW)
If you'd like to fill out an
Adult Registration Form
prior to class,
print & bring it with you
See 'Forms'
(Annual Dance Recital is optional & upon the advice from the teacher)

Adult Ballet
Thursdays, 7:30 - 8:30
$65 monthly /or/ $17 per class
Wear comfy clothes
(no half tops)
Ballet shoes- nude or pink
Must be over 18
FYI, we like to have fun!!

Adult Tap
Wednesdays, 8:00-8:45
$65 monthly /or/ $17 per class
Wear comfy clothes
Tap shoes- black preferred
FYI, We like to have fun!!

Want to take
BOTH Adult Classes?
2-Class Rate is $115 per month

We may not all look like dancers,
but we all LOVE TO DANCE
We have a great time in our adult dance classes! Give it a try!
Must be over 18 & all levels are WELCOME